Easter Festival in Malta

Calendar32In April 2018, faithful Christians all over the world observe the holy day
of Easter. As tradition has it, it is the time to bake Easter cakes, colour
eggs and get such festive food consecrated in churches during the Easter
services. At Easter time, it is also customary for people to attend concerts,
or visit museums, in order to receive cultural and spiritual guidance in
life. In this regard, the European Foundation for Support of Culture will
hold the Easter Festival in Malta, in collaboration with the Italian Cultural
Institute and supported by the Embassy of Italy, Valletta-2018 Foundation
and the Malta School of Music.
On the eve of Easter, between March 18 and 23, three concerts of classical
music and a piano master class will be held in the Museum of History
in Mdina, in the Italian Cultural Institute and in the Church of Saint
Catherine of Italy, Valletta. The festival will be graced by participation
of renowned artists such as Giuliano Mazzoccante (Italy), Andriana
Yordanova (Bulgaria), Charles Vincenti (Malta), Astrid Cacciatore
(Malta), Christine Dalli (Malta), and James Agius (Malta). In addition, the
“Harmonia Ensemble di Caltagirone” choir (Italy), will also perform.
The “Harmonia Ensemble” is a cultural and music association from
Caltagirone (Sicily) whose key objective is to promote, develop and
enhance musical culture and, in particular, the culture of vocal, choir
and instrumental music. A polyphonic choir is part of this association; it
is made of 30 talented singers led by maestro Francesco Domenico Falci.
The choir performs at numerous celebratory events and concerts in Sicily,
invariably winning over listeners and critics alike. Participation in the
Easter Festival will be the first time that the Harmonia Ensemble has
visited Malta.
The audience of the festival concerts will enjoy works by Puccini, Mozart,
Rossini, Bellini, Verdi and many other famous composers.